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Artificial Intelligence Group


Research Areas

Human Centered AI
Hardware Accelerators for AI
Industrial AI


For the second time in a row, DII ranks among the Departments of Excellence.

In the five-year period 2018-2022, DII has launched CrossLab. The current project (running from 2023 to 2027) is named ForeLab.

Department of Excellence 2023-2027

ForeLab stands for Future-Oriented Research Laboratory. The AI group participates to the Trustworthy Artificial/Embodied Intelligence (TAEI): the activity focuses on frontier aspects of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and on the ability of systems to develop intelligent behaviours as emerging from the interactions between artificial agents (e.g. robots) and the environment, with the aim of promoting widespread, reliable and integrated use of both.

Department of Excellence 2018-2022

CrossLabs are five interdisciplinary and integrated laboratories covering all key areas of Industry 4.0, managed by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa. The AI group participates to the Cloud Computing, Big Data, Cybersecurity Lab.



The AI-DII group is part of IT2PAO (Intelligent Techniques for Process Automation and Optimisation), a joint laboratory between Department of Information Engineering and LogObject AG, leading Swiss logistics company. Read out more here


Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada, “From Design to Deployment of Machine Learning Technology: An Environment of Granular Computing“, 19-24 April 2024, you can follow today’s lecture (19/04/24) here

Invertiew to Prof. Francesco Marcelloni (Coordinatore Good AI LAB) in Radio24: Piracy Shield – Droni – IA “buona” – Utiq

Now, you can listen Radio PuntoFM Podcast with Prof. Francesco Marcelloni: “Family Business. Artificial intelligence and the impact on our future”